Sono stati annunciati i vincitori dell’edizione 2022 del prestigioso Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest.
Il titolo di Best of the Show va a Kat Zhou che ha fotografato un primissimo piano di un polpo.
ecco la storia della foto vincitrice:
Questa foto mostra un polpo di barriera dei Caraibi che protegge le sue uova, trovato al largo della costa di West Palm Beach, in Florida.
Come tutte le altre specie di polpi, questa madre non si nutre mentre si prende cura delle sue uova e morirà dopo la loro schiusa. È stato un sentimento agrodolce osservarla proteggere le sue uova, sapendo che si stava avvicinando a una triste fine!
I giudici hanno valutato opere eccezionali di autori provenienti da 70 paesi diversi.
L’elenco completo dei vincitori comprende:
Best of Show
“Octopus Mother” by Kat Zhou
- 1st Place: Renee Capozzola
- 2nd Place: Daniel Nicholson
- 3rd Place: Martin Broen
- 4th Place: Julian Gunther
- Honorable Mention: Josh Blank
- Honorable Mention: Adam Martin
- 1st Place: Kat Zhou
- 2nd Place: Matthew Sullivan
- 3rd Place: Nicolas Remy
- Honorable Mention: Novrizal Herdananto
- Honorable Mention: Kat Zhou
Comportamento creature marine
- 1st Place: Galice Hoarau
- 2nd Place: Bryant Turffs
- 3rd Place: Tom Shlesinger
- 4th Place: Mirko Zanni
- Honorable Mention: Luc Rooman
- Honorable Mention: Mark Green
- 1st Place: Kuo-Wei Kao
- 2nd Place: Gabriella Luongo
- 3rd Place: Kim Briers
- 4th Place: Andrew Cummings
- Honorable Mention: Frank Begun
- Honorable Mention: Jeff Molder
- Honorable Mention: Lorenzo Terraneo
Acque fredde
- 1st Place: Nicolas Remy
- 2nd Place: Yannick Gouguenheim
- 3rd Place: Jon Anderson
- Honorable Mention: Shouhao Ren
- Honorable Mention: Sage Ono
- 1st Place: Aleksei Permiakov
- 2nd Place: Veronika Nagy
- 3rd Place: Luke Gordon
- Honorable Mention: Mayumi Takeuchi-Ebbins
- Honorable Mention: Talia Greis
- 1st Place: Dennis Corpuz
- 2nd Place: Josh Raia
- 3rd Place: Steven Kovacs
- 4th Place: Marcello Zof
- Honorable Mention: Steven Kovacs
- Honorable Mention: Galice Hoarau

Conservazione marina
- 1st Place: Lawrence Alex Wu
- 2nd Place: Caroline Power
- 3rd Place: Gabriella Luongo
- 4th Place: Celia Kujala
- Honorable Mention: Alessandro Giannaccini
- Honorable Mention: Daniel Pio
Underwater art
- 1st Place: Sarah Teveldal
- 2nd Place: Julian Nedev
- 3rd Place: Lilian Koh
- Honorable Mention: Jenny Stock
Mobile Phone
- 1st Place: Buzzichelli Alessandro
- 2nd Place: Chris Gug
- 3rd Place: Grega Verc

Binaco e Nero
- 1st Place: Martin Broen
- 2nd Place: Brooke Pyke
- 3rd Place: Piers Baillie
- Honorable Mention: Renee Capozzola
- Honorable Mention: Richard Condlyffe
Grandangolo compatte
- 1st Place: Enrico Somogyi
- 2nd Place: Felix Beck
- 3rd Place: Martina Favero
Marco Compatte
- 1st Place: Eunhee Cho
- 2nd Place: Regie Casia
- 3rd Place: David Pleuvret
- 4th Place: Ipah Uid Lynn
- Honorable Mention: Martina Favero
- Honorable Mention: Andrew Michelutti
- Honorable Mention: Man Bd
Compatte comportamento animale
- 1st Place: PT Hirschfield
- 2nd Place: Sheryl Wright
- 3rd Place: PT Hirschfield
- 4th Place: João Pontes
- Honorable Mention: Sofia K. Tenggrono